STEP 1 (Starting position):
The body is at a 45° angle, the face is looking to the front. Hands at the sides

The left foot steps out, and the legs bent. the left thigh is as parallel to the ground as possible; the left foot is completely placed upon the ground. The right leg comes close to it, with its heel pointing upwards. Both feet must be in the same line. the chest is facing the right side. The back is straight. The elbows are facing outwards, and the hands are open, with the thumbs pointing at the body. Relax as much as possible, and sink the waist.

STEPS 3-4 (Transition):
When advancing, the left foot stays in the same position. The chest and arms stay the same. Step forward with the right foot. The right foot comes from the back, and its tip comes close to the left foot. The heel touches the ground first.

Don't move the head up and down when doing the form. The movements must be done by the legs only. The upper body doesn't move at any time. At all times your body must be relaxed.

Advance in the chicken step, not too fast, but neither in slow motion. Don't change the height of the upper body.


From the left chicken stance, hook the left leg in, while the left hand moves to the right shoulder.

Bring back the right foot and the right hand, which wraps the body. The right foot is in the air, and the right shin touches the inner part of the left knee.

Step out with the right foot, and the right hand goes out. The trunk is straight again, and the body is in a right chicken stance. Walk to the starting point.

The movements in the turning of the form must be done in one single smooth sequence.

END: Eagle Form and Yi Sound
Turn and end in a left Chicken Stance.

From this position, the left foot steps back, and the body rises, facing the front. The right arm rises up, and the left hand supports the elbow. Make a short pause.
Eagle Form - Pulling Motion
The left foot advances, while the hands go down in a circular pulling motion. Sink the waist. The hands go as far as the right hip, palms down.

Eagle Form - Pushing Motion
Immediately following the pulling motion, the left leg moves forward and sinks into a deep bow stance. The hands push down to the front. Exhale in a sharp, quick breath, and compress the Dan Tien, while yelling "Yi". It's a deep sound.

The pulling and pushing motions are one continous movement
Note: As every experienced xingyi student knows, the forms of Xinyi/Xingyi are not based on techniques; they're a collection of principles that can be used in countless situations. This applications shown and described here presented only as a simple guide of what can be done with such principles.

The Chicken step and Turn
App. A & B: The position of the hands is used to deliver a blow to the groin while entering; and can be used to disrupt the balance of the attacker and strike at the same time.

App. C: The opponent attacks with a round kick. Step in and attack his center with the side of the body. It can be combined with a strike to the groin, or follow with a takedown. It can be done on each side (Right kick: Entering with the right side while protecting oneself, or entering with the left side of the body and pushing back the attacker with the right hand).

The Eagle form at the End is used to grab and pull (Very much like the pulling motion of Pi Quan), to break the opponent's balance, and then pushing the opponent to the ground.

By Felipe Bido, 2002
Dominican Repbulic