Pi Quan :: Zuan Quan :: Beng Quan
Pao Quan :: Heng Quan

1: From the previous posture, extend your left foot forward and to the left as you pull your arms toward your body and across your abdomen.

2: Drive your right fist up your centerline, until your fist is about eyebrow height, palm facing you. Bring your left fist up to you right elbow. At the same time bring your feet together in chicken stance, weight resting on you left leg.

3: Rotate your hips to your right about 45 degrees and begin to step forward with your right foot.

4: Continue to step directly ahead of your centerline. At the same time rotate your right arm to your right as you draw it back and to your right, fist aligned with your right temple, elbow pointing down. With your left fist, punch directly in front of the center of your chest, while your left foot follow steps. The rear foot should touch the ground at the same time as the action of the left fist terminates.